Dual-Layer Amniotic Graft

Case presented by Jacob Fassman, DPM; Podiatrist Foot and Ankle; Colorado Colorado Springs, CO

A 70 YEAR OLD FEMALE with osteoarthritis, hypertension, and neuropathy presented with three pressure/ neuropathic ulcers on right foot that had been present for four months with a history of infection. Treated at wound clinic without significant improvement Referred to vascular specialist who determined adequate blood flow for healing and no significant PAD

Location : Right leg

Wound type : Pressure / neuropathic ulcer

Weeks to Resolution : 13

Total number of applications : 6

(A) 0.9 x0.2x0.3 cm

(B)4.6x33x02 cm

(C) 2x12x03 cm

INlTIAL VISIT Post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpax to all wounds

(A) 0.2x0.2 x 0.2 cm I Reduced 94%

(B) 4.6x3.3 x 02 cm I Reduced 96%

(C) 2x12x03 cm I Reduced 80%

2-WEEK VISIT Post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpax to all wounds

(A) Would Resolved

(B) 1.8 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm I Reduced 35%

(C) 0.3x0.6x0.3 cm I Reduced 63%

6-WEEK VISIT After surgery to remove infected bone and resolution of infection; post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpax to all wounds.

(B) 1.1 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm I Reduced 39%

(C) 0.3x0.4x0.2 cm I Reduce 56%

8-WEEK VISIT Post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpax to all wounds

(B) 05 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm I Reduced 89%

(C) 0.6 x 1x0.2 cm I Reduced 400%

10-WEEK VISIT Post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpax to all wounds

(B) Wound Resolved

(C) 0.4 x 06x0.3 cm I Reduced 40%

12-WEEK VISIT Post-debridement applied 2x2 cm lmpox to all wound; all wounds resolved at week I3

Results of this case study are provided by a qualified healthcare clinician. Results may vary. 27CS1-0623 REV A

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